What is your policy on COVID?

Please visit the COVID policy page for more info.

What do I need to bring to class?

Although you will want to use your own equipment if practicing regularly, mats, blocks, blankets and straps are available for use at the studio.

What should I wear?

Yoga is practised in bare feet and please wear comfortable clothing; elasticated trousers or shorts, and a top that is not too baggy (or it may get in your way when you are bending over!) With a gas log fire on one wall the studio is nice and cosy, even in midwinter, and plenty of windows, French windows and ceiling fans keep the fresh air moving in the warmer months.

I´m really unsupple. I cannot possibly do yoga, can I?

An emphatic YES! In fact it is often those who come to yoga with stiffer/tighter physiques that experience the most rapid and dramatic changes in their bodies. The whole philosophy of yoga underlines that it is the sensation you achieve in a posture that is important, not the aesthetics. We all have different bodies formed from of a combination of genetics, past activity levels and lifelong habits. Inevitably each part of a yoga session will seem easier for some and more challenging for others. A key element, however, is the completely non-competitive environment of a yoga class, which is the perfect place to start to work on improving your flexibility, building your stamina, helping you to combat stress, or any other trait you may currently see as insurmountable.

I have a physical condition/old injury. Will it be safe for me to do yoga?

Because yoga postures can be easily modified to suit virtually anyone, many people use yoga to help them recover from, or live with particular physical conditions and/or injuries. However, as with any physical activity that you are new to, you should check with your doctor to find out if he/she has any concerns and then discuss them with the teacher. Part of the registration form at Stable Yoga comprises a brief health and physical history questionnaire so that your teacher(s) are aware of any issues. All information shared will of course be treated in strictest confidence.

Does yoga make you fit?

Yoga is an extraordinarily effective way of keeping you both flexible and strong. At its heart it is all about balance. True, some of the postures can be done relatively gently, raising physical awareness rather than heart rate, but every class will include some more challenging postures and vinyasa/sequenced poses that will most certainly get the heart pumping, improving cardiovascular health, endurance and fitness levels in general.

There seem to be so many types of yoga, which does Stable Yoga teach and what is right for me?

Even to the experienced eye, the number of different styles of yoga available these days is dizzying. All physical types of yoga (i.e. most that are found in the West) come under the umbrella of Hatha yoga. Within the sphere of Hatha, there then come many different styles, e.g: Iyengar, Astanga, Kripalu, Power Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini, Bikram, Viniyoga, Jivamukti, Anusara, Sivananda - the list is seemingly endless (and always increasing!) All the teachers at Stable Yoga are fully qualified Yoga instructors, but their classes vary quite widely, attracting a broad range of students of different needs and abilities. More information on the style of each teacher and the contents of their classes can be found on the 'Class Descriptions & Styles of Yoga' page of this website, but whether the teaching style and content of a class suits an individual student? That can, like a piece of clothing, only really be decided by trying it!

What happens if I miss a class I have paid for?

If you are unable to attend a class you've booked yourself into, you can go back into the online booking system (via this website, or via the Glofox App on your phone), cancel your attendance and use that credit to book yourself into another class that suits you better. Without a valid medical reason, class fees cannot be refunded, but please talk to your teacher and/or contact Lucy on: [email protected], or 07834 363820 if you feel you are eligible for refund. Please also note that there is a 3 or 4 month expiry date on purchases of multiple classes.

Can I eat breakfast or dinner before coming to class?

When it comes to food and digestion each individual is different and needs to find out what works for them. In general, it is not recommended to eat a large meal within 2 hours of a class. If you are hungry, then a light meal or snack at least an hour before is best.

Should I bring water to class?

Filtered tap water is always available during class from the studio's bathroom. However, it is not recommended that you drink large quantities either before or during a yoga class. Just an occasional sip should keep you hydrated in the most strenuous class, and you may feel uncomfortable if your stomach is too full.

How To Use Zoom

Zoom is a simple, safe and free software that can be used on any device (PC or laptop, phone, tablet, or smart TV) with internet access. For more information visit our How To Use Zoom page.

Yoga Equipment List

Yoga is an activity that can make use of a dizzying array of items of gear but, unless you’re a yoga kit junkie, there are lots of household items you can make use of instead. For more information visit our Yoga Equipment List page.

How do I book a class?

The following downloads explain how to book a class:

Directions to the studio

Stable Yoga is located at Hayworth House, Wallingtons Road, Kintbury, RG17 9TP. Once you turn off the High Street into Wallingtons Road, Kintbury, drive approximately 100 yards until just before the 30 mph signs. On the left you will see a slate 'Hayworth' sign and white 'Stable Yoga' sign on the fence. Turn in there (pressing 'Pedestrian Access' button on the right hand gatepost if you are on foot) and park facing the house. Then walk through the wrought iron gate on your right and follow the stone path through the yoga garden to the studio entrance.